How Do I Know I Have Angels
Many of us are blessed to have a guardian angel around us, some of these angels are more proactive than others. They give us signs or leave us signs. Understanding these signs will lead you on the path of understanding who the Angels are.
How To Talk To Angels
A common question many people ask is, How To Talk To Angels? This question comes up when things happen that you have started to notice. It is either a direct or indirect sign. If you want to talk to angels, then acknowledge them when you feel that they are reaching out to you. Recognize their acts and they will continue to communicate with you.
3 Ways To Know How To Talk To Angels
One Is Through Tarot
Write This Magic Word
A ngelic language is transcendental and all-embracing. It is not restricted to a particular dialect or jargon. The best thing about Angelic language is … ‘we all speak it’. Yes, every man, woman, child, animal and plant can communicate with heavenly souls.
There is a diverse assortment of angelic descriptions and interpretation of conversations and encounters with spiritual entities. Stories can be re-hashed and changed as they are re-told over and over. Does this make the conflicting versions any less meaningful? No, I believe it does not. Individuals hear, see and sense what revelation is intended for their personal journey.
Professional Tarot readers use a specific deck to communicate with angels, we show you this deck so you can start to communicate with angels too.
Want to meet your guardian angel? Find out now using your date of birth
❤️ Who Is My Guardian Angel >>

1. Heavenly Signals
Symbolism and metaphors are part of the language of the psyche and can be included in the many ways that the angels speak to us. Symbolism is also at the core of tarot. This is why tarot readers often have a close relationship with angels.
Symbolism is a universal tool of communication through objects that represent something to help you grasp an intricate situation. Suddenly what was inconspicuous, over-looked or neglected becomes evident.
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2. Synchronicity and Angels
Flowers, white fluffy clouds, feathers, birds and animals are but a few omens the angels use as an indication of the approach of something. You might find yourself coming across the same thing that stands out. Over the past few days, I have had the name of a book mentioned three times at random and by different people. I have not thought about this book in years. I must dust it off and read it again; there will be significance for me.
Think about the times in your life that words from a specific song would play over in your head or the same stranger that you would see no matter where you went. Then there was the period you couldn’t explain an attraction to a peculiar color, culture or food. If something has the ability to draw your attention then it has the potential to be an instrument for revelation from the angels.
Angels are pure love energy dressed in beauty, compassion and joy. The gentle utterance will therefore be expressed through the exquisiteness and delicacy of creation. The pastel colors of a rainbow directly in front of you as you drive home after a challenging day is reassurance that the effort is worthwhile. The feint scent of rose calming your emotions is a gift to guide you along in harmony. A child picking you a flower is a token from the angels. Unusual markings on a tree trunk, an odd shaped rock or bright orange foliage on an autumn day can all be acknowledgments from our guardians.

3. Color Our World
Our amazing earth is a canvas for artistry brilliance of the angels. Every leaf, blade of grass, petal, ocean wave, rain drop or grain of sand has potential to illustrate a message. Each stroke of a paintbrush in a picture can speak to the onlooker on a sub-conscious level.

How Professionals Communicate
Archangel Gabriel Tarot cards (link below) have the potential of communicating through the same process; they are also a canvas for ‘painting a picture’. Premonition has been referred to as ‘handwriting on the wall’ and so through absorbing the essence of a tarot card illustration, one is able to penetrate the message.
This, to me as a psychic tarot reader, is a form of divination and a colorful way to work with my angels and spirit guides. You too can join the angels and color our world a wonderful place for future generations to come.
Angels are prominent throughout tarot cards for us to feel their presence, teach us lessons of love and kindness, and to reassure us that they are but a whisper away.
They display a glimmer of hope for all of us. Archangel Gabriel is blowing the trumpet to remind us, “we can always rise-up and live a better life”. We have no right to judge others, but need to examine our own lives.
Get the Tarot Cards That Talk To Angels and Start To Communicate With Them

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How To Talk To Angels, this is a common question for anyone who feels the presence or one around. I have had this question, “How To Talk To Angels” by someone who see signs and recognizes that they are not alone.
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