Quick Quiz To Find Out Does He Have A Crush On Me?
Wondering if your feelings are the same as his? is real and long lasting or just a quick love crush, this quick quiz that will help you answer that burning question, Does He Have A Crush On Me?
How To Know, Does He Have A Crush On Me?
You have been waiting for love to knock on your door? Asking yourself, Does He Have A Crush On Me? Don’t worry, this quiz will help you.
Does He Have A Crush On Me?
Quick Quiz To Find Out!
So you like this guy and you want to know without asking him… Does he have a crush on me?
This quick quiz may give you the answers.
Answer the next 10 questions to find out how he feels about you!.
Before you start, you will need a notepad and pen to keep you score. Count how many times you said “YES”!
Just answer yes or no to each question. Be 100% honest with yourself.
Ready? Lets start.

Question 1
Does he ever smile at you for no reason?
YES or NO?

Question 2
Does he look for reasons to come and talk to you?
YES or NO?

Question 3
Does he seem awkward and nervous when talking to you?
YES or NO?
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Question 4
Does he like or comment on almost all your social media posts?
YES or NO?

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Question 5
Does he seem to “show off” when you are around?
YES or NO?

Number 6
Does he often look at your lips when you speak. Is he watching what you are saying?
YES or NO?

Number 7
Does he notice small things about you, or compliment you a lot?
YES or NO?

Number 8
Has he ever joked about what it would be like to date you?
YES or NO?

Number 9
Has he ever done something in the hope that it will make you jealous?
YES or NO?

Number 10
Does he ever do random nice things for you?
YES or NO?

Result Time!
Add up how many times you answered YES!

Score Tally
1 – 3 Yes Answers
Sorry to say, No, he does not have a crush on you.
Not sure why you think he would. It seems he does not even know that you are interested in him.
If you have a crush on this person, sorry but there is a good chance your heart will be broken.

4 – 7 Yes Answers
It may not be a crush yet, but he has definitely noticed you. With a little more attention from you, you can have him falling for you in not time. He clearly likes you but he may be shy or think you are out of his league! Your turn to make this happen.

8 – 10 Yes Answers
Whoa! Congratulations, he has a massive crush on you! All the signs are there. Fear of rejection from you is all that is holding him back. If you are interested in him, be more obvious so the poor guy can make a move!

Those are the Does He Have A Crush On Me questions and quiz.
Now is a great time to see what is in stall for you with love and destiny on your side.
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Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me? Does He Have A Crush On Me?