Get What You Want
This is a secret we share only with our clients
What Is A Spell To Get Anything You Want?
The magic spell that will get you anything you want is a spell that requires you to write this one magic word 3 times, then place it under your pillow. Follow an easy chant as you request your wish and the universe will grant it to you.
Write This Magic Word
W rite This Magic Word 3 Times And Put It Under Your Pillow. You will Get What You Want, And You Will Be Shocked !!
Want other white magic spells that work 👉 White Magic Spells
The Love Tarot
There is a little secret we give to our clients, A magic secret. It’s success will truly surprise you!!
In this article we will cover 14 magic messages you can use today, that actually work.
At the end of this article and you will learn how to add extra power boost to your magic message
There is a little secret we give to our clients, A magic secret. It’s success will truly surprise you!!
In this article we will cover 14 magic messages you can use today, that actually work.
At the end of this article and you will learn how to add extra power boost to your magic message.

We all have wishes and desires, hopes and dreams. More when we are sad and unhappy, or we feel we are missing something in our life. At the Love Tarot, there is a secret that is given to our clients and we ask them to perform. Today you will learn this secret. It will help you to attract whatever you want. To manifest your desires with this one powerful word. It comes from the universe, so reach out for help.
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It will come to you. It takes just 30 days of doing this one thing each and every day. Everyday, before you go to sleep. End your day, before you go to sleep, by writing this one affirmation magic word, three times. After writing this magical word, and how to use it, you will manifest your desire, and that could be ….
- The Love of your life
- A Soulmate
- Happiness
- Money
- Wealth
- Prosperity
- Success
- Good health
- Beauty
- Happiness
- Your dream job
- Freedom to travel
- Abundance
- Opportunities
- Be lucky
- Anything you want to manifest
But you have to believe this is what you want, in order for the magic to work. Start tonight. The one word, and you must write this magic word,that is over looked but so powerful, is….
Thank you
Thank you is the word of gratitude that brings abundance. Here is how it works. On a piece of paper, write this magic word three times after your desire, place under your pillow as you fall asleep each night, let that manifest each day and night. The more you do it and believe, the stronger your wish will come true and abundance in that area will manifest itself. The following abundance magic messages work or you can also write your own:
1. For a loving relationship

I am with the love of my life and my partner loves me unconditionally, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
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2. To have enough money

Money is abundant in my life, I am a money magnet, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
3. Living in better health

I am well and healthy, I love my body, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Manifest What You Want in Life Easily 👉 Manifest Magic
4. To bring more wealth into your life

I am wealthy in all areas of my life, Everything is in abundance, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
5. For freedom and travel

I have no limits on my travel, I can go where I like and travel to my favorite destinations, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
6. Amazing beauty

I am beautiful, I feel beautiful, Beauty radiates from me and I feel wonderful, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Want other white magic spells that work 👉 White Magic Spells
7. A Soulmate

My soulmate has found me, I am their soulmate, The love for each other is unquestionable and everlasting, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
8. Enhancing Prosperity

I am prosperous, I am successful and thriving in my live, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
9. For better happiness

I wake each morning and see the wonder of the world, it is a happy day, I fill myself with happy thoughts and happiness all day, I smile because inside I am happy, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
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10. Ongoing Success

I am successful in what I have accomplished, I worked hard for where I am and so proud of myself, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
11. Having your dream job

I am finally in the job of my dreams, I worked hard to get here, I am recognized for my achievements. I have the ability to do exactly as I wanted in my career, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
12. Enjoying Abundance

I have everything I could want, And then more, I could not ask for anything more, All around me is exactly what I wanted, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
13. Endless Opportunities

I feel as if I have the Midas touch, Opportunities come to me, And I am free to select the ones I want, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
14. Naturally Lucky

Things are always going right for me, If I enter a competition, I win, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
You can write as many wishes as you want, at any time. You can focus on one wish for 30 days. Then focus on another, until you achieve everything that you desire. You have the power to manifest and attract this magic into your life, to give you what you want. But you have to really want your wish to come true and trust in the power. To add extra power to your magic request, The Love Tarot will now speak these words (in the video above, watch the video for this to be effective) to give your request an extra boost.
But in order to allow this to happen. You have to play the video, above, with these words, a total of three times in three days. After you Write This Magic Word and have written your magical message. Play this message today, again tomorrow and the next day as well. In this power boost message, you will need to say your name. For example, when you see in the following script like this (your name) then say your name.
To God and the universe, please take these magical words that you are about to hear from (your name). Provide abundance for the request that (you name) is asking from you. Bring their request to fruition. Grant us our wish. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
The Love Tarot
Say Your Request Now, Write This Magic Word, if you need to, remember to come back to this video or post, each time you need a magical manifestation to bring something into your life. Play the power boost magical words each day for three days for each request. You can have more than one request per day, per note. The power of this magic also comes from you, you must believe. Feel the gratitude in all your heart, you must focus on what you want, and when you start to see the thing you want, you must embrace it, nurture it and grow it or it will leave.
We have included some really powerful information from other true professionals in their areas to help you further manifest and white magic spells for a better life, in this article.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
For visiting the Love Tarot, be ready to receive your desire. It all starts with you taking a pen and paper and just Write This Magic Word”
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Write this magic word to release the magic that is available to you, after you finish reading this post, start the white magic spell, and it is as simple as starting with you being able to Write This Magic Word. You will be amazed that when you write this magic word, everything will change for you.